Community Health and Wellness Application

Community Health and Wellness Grant Application

Nonprofit organizations located and providing services in Los Alamos County may request up to $5,000 to fund initiatives that enhance the health and well-being of the Los Alamos Community. This funding is intended to empower local nonprofits which are currently or plan to implement innovative and impactful programs to address pressing health issues, promote wellness, and foster equitable access to health resources. Eligible activities include but are not limited to initiatives or activities that align with the following health priorities: mental health and emotional wellbeing, disease prevention, food security, equity and access, health promotion, community health collaboration. Grants are funded by the Anchorum Health Foundation Donor Advised Fund. 

Before submitting this application, please make sure your organization (or fiscal sponsor) is current with all state and federal reporting requirements including being in good standing with the IRS, NM Secretary of State and NM Attorney General. Please contact us with questions.

BEFORE YOU BEGIN! Please print this page or copy the questions below and complete the narrative answers in a separate file, then copy and paste the answers into the form below once you are ready to submit. There is no 'save' feature on the application form - you must complete and submit the form in a single session.

Contact Information

Address *
Street Address 1
Street Address 2

Project Information

0 of 125 max words
0 of 500 max words
0 of 500 max words
0 of 250 max words
0 of 500 max words

Financial Information

Has your organization received funding from LACF in the past?
Is your organization using a fiscal sponsor?
Attach the most current operating budget for the organization. (You may attach a Word document, Excel spreadsheet, or .pdf document.) *

Maximum file size: 33.55MB

Please provide a project budget, including (and distinguishing) expenses to be covered by this grant and any other revenue sources. (You may attach a Word document, Excel spreadsheet, or .pdf document.) *

Maximum file size: 33.55MB


By completing the fields below, the applicant certifies that the submission of this funding application has been authorized by the organization’s Chief Executive and/or Board of Directors.