Community Builders further the Los Alamos Community Foundation’s mission by providing a three-year pledge of support to underwrite the foundation’s operating expenses or grow one of its endowments. This investment helps the foundation accomplish its work of building the capacity and success of our local nonprofits, continuing to inspire, facilitate, and supporting enduring philanthropy. To learn more about how you can become a part of this impactful group, click here.
Community Builders (2019 – Present)
Charles Anderson
Robert and Susan Benjamin
Ed and Amy Birnbaum
Steve and Kathy Boerigter
Paul and Sue Bombardt
Denise Soran Brown
Joan Brown
Don Casperson
Mark and Frances Chadwick
Diane Chan
Don Cobb
Paul and Jill Cook
Judy Crocker
Paul and Linda Daly
Donald Dudziak
Bill Enloe
Enterprise Bank & Trust
Robert Gibson and Lori Heimdahl Gibson*
Ken and Joanna Gillespie
June Gladney
James and Janet Hall
Leon Heller
Rachel Kizielewicz and Carl Ciccarelli
David and Terry Izraelevitz
Dave Lannen
Steve and Anne Laurent
Kate Massengale
David and Jenny McCumber
Charlie and Janet McMillan
Ken Milder
Evelyn Mullen
Kelly Myers
Brian and Key Newnam
Joyce Nickols
Bruce Norman
Morrie and Cheryl Pongratz
Jordan Redmond
Rick and Debbie Reiss
Tony and Beth Riker
Brian and Cindy Rooney
Randall Ryti and Wendy Swanson
Brian and Sara Scott
David and Gloria Sharp
Pat Soran and Ann Hayes
David and Robin Soran
Kurt and Jo Beth Steinhaus
Mike Steinzig and Dara McKinney
Michael and Kyle Wheeler
Ron and Sally Wilkins
Bradford and Rozelle Wright
Legacy Society members have made a provision in their estate for an after-lifetime gift that will benefit the Los Alamos Community Foundation. Legacy Society members choose which area of the foundation’s work they would like to support – from providing an unrestricted gift that will underwrite operating costs, to growing one of our current endowments, to starting a new endowment in line with your interests. To learn more about how you can impact your community with a provision in your estate click here.
Legacy Society Members (2019 – present)
Paul and Sue Bombardt
Judy Crocker
David and Terry Izraelevitz
Samuel* Kendricks and Shay Burns Kendricks
Gerry and Georgia Strickfaden
Our Founding Members were committed to the mission of the Los Alamos Community Foundation from its inception and were willing to make a long-term financial investment to support the operating and administrative expenses of the organization.
Founding Members (2016-2019)
Charles and Linda* Anderson
Karyl Ann and Ken Armbruster
Robert and Susan Benjamin
Ed and Amy Birnbaum
Steve and Kathy Boerigter
Anne and Richard Browning
Chris Chandler
Carol A. Clark
Don and Connie* Cobb
Paul and Jill Cook
Judy Crocker
Laura Crotzer
Enterprise Bank and Trust
Randy and Laura Erickson
David and Anne Fox
Andrew Fraser and Marguerite McClay
Robert Gibson and Lori Heimdahl Gibson*
June Gladney
Philip H. Gursky
Janet and Jim Hall
John C. Hopkins
David and Terry Izraelevitz
Mark and Lynn Jones
Cindy Lawton and Jon Bernard
Los Alamos National Laboratory Foundation
Ann McLaughlin and Bill Wadt
Ken Milder
Evelyn and David* Mullen
Chris and Kristy Ortega
Evelyn Petschek
Morrie and Cheryl Pongratz
Positive Energy Solar
David and Irene Powell
Bill Priedhorsky
Stan* and Joan Primak
Rick and Deborah Reiss
Anthony and Beth Riker
Randy and Teri Roberts
Cindy and Brian Rooney
Randall Ryti and Wendy Swanson
Katie and Richard Sayre
Susan Seestrom and Christopher Morris
Rabbi Jack and Beverly Shlachter
Becky Sims
Ann Hayes and Pat Soran
Kurt and Jo Beth Steinhaus
Mike Steinzig and Dara McKinney
Steve* and Barbara L. Stoddard
Sharon Stover and Steven Girrens
Carroll Thomas
Joe and Wendy Tiee
Gary and June Wall
Michael and Kyle Wheeler
Ron and Sally Wilkins
Bradford and Rozelle Wright
*In Memoriam