In addition to facilitating the development of funds that respond to agency and donor desires and our training/networking programs, LACF makes a concrete financial impact on nonprofit organizations in Los Alamos and the region.
Grants provided through competitive selection:
Inaugural Discretionary Grant Cycle (Spring 2021)
LACF Board of Directors awarded $27,000 in grants to seven nonprofits in Los Alamos County to improve the financial health of the organizations. Grantees are:
First Born Program of Los Alamos:
“The First Born Program of Los Alamos greatly appreciates this support and vote of confidence. This grant will help fund pre-planning, Board training, a Board retreat and follow up sessions facilitated by a consultant. The resulting strategic plan will lead to a financial action plan for the organization to ensure that FBPLA’s vital services continue well into the future.”
Los Alamos Juvenile Justice Advisory Board:
“This funding will provide JJAB the ability to implement technology that will have youth/client information in one secure system, thus increase our administrative efficiency, and create consistencies that will allow employees more time to focus on providing services to youth and their family. This is an incredible next step for our programs and organization.”
Los Alamos Makers:
“This funding will help us leverage and formalize the vocational activities we have developed over the years by allowing us to offer skills badges that will help document and verify the acquisition of skills, as part of the New Collar Network. This will broaden our reach and help all individuals have access to skills-building opportunities that will help them be self-sufficient, lifelong learners and confident in exploring career opportunities.”
Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization:
“LARSO is excited for the opportunity to move several projects along as we come out of this pandemic. Grant funding from LACF will help us do this in many ways.”
Los Alamos Visiting Nurse Service, Inc.:
“LAVNS will use this funding to upgrade our technology to ensure the needs of our patients are met in real time. We will continue to collaborate with patient physicians to provide the best possible care.”
Pajarito Environmental Education Center:
“PEEC is very excited to dig deeper into the needs of our community and find out how we can serve those who have been left out of our services and programming. Thanks to LACF, we’ll have the funds to do this.”
Self Help, Inc.:
“This grant will help to fund our new database, which will allow us to connect more effectively and personally with our wonderful donors, fulfilling our mission to help those in need in Northern New Mexico. Finding funding for long-term sustainability projects like this one can be hard, and we’re lucky to have a foundation who is thinking so strategically for our community.”
Inaugural Youth Sports Grant Cycle (Spring 2021)
The grant is funded by the Los Alamos Community Youth Sports Endowment established by Paul and Jill Cook with the purpose of supporting projects that build leadership skills in youth through achievement in competitive team sports. One grant of $1,200 was awarded this year to the following program:
Los Alamos Junior Roller Derby:
“The Los Alamos Cherry Bombs have a goal to provide competitive gameplay to all skaters at their level, which also furthers The Family YMCA’s larger objective of supporting healthy youth development. Receiving this grant will allow teams to participate in away bouts for our travel team and to host home scrimmages and bouts for new skaters through advanced skaters.”
Grants provided through fund investment income:
Community Endowment for UNM – Los Alamos
- New welding helmet
- New laptops for student use
Endowment for Duane Smith Auditorium
- Support to defray costs of new shell for perfomances at Duane Smith Auditorium
Paul A. and Susan E. Bombardt K-12 Music Education Endowment for Los Alamos Public Schools
- Support to given to LAPS music department (through Los Alamos Public Schools Foundation) to fund live performances and masterclasses with band Del Sol
Rosalie Heller Annual Memorial Lecture Endowment
- Support provided to Los Alamos Arts Council to help defray costs associated with the 2021 Rosalie Heller Annual Memorial Lecture
Grants provided through partnerships:
Jumpstart Grant Program
LACF has partnered with Jumpstart and Network for Good to provide local nonprofits with the integrated tools, planning, and one-on-one coaching to build their fundraising capacity, diversify revenue, and sustain and expand their programs. Total funding for this program is $22,500, in partnership with Newport News Nuclear BWXT Los Alamos, which has permitted us to support Los Alamos and regional nonprofits with this innovative program:
Embudo Valley Library
Family Strengths Network
Los Alamos Family Council
Los Alamos Historical Society
Los Alamos Juvenile Justice Advisory Board (JJAB)
Santa Fe Dreamers Project
COVID-19 Emergency Response Grants
Total funding awarded: $62,000, in partnership with Con Alma Health Foundation, Delle Foundation, LANL Foundation, LANL/Triad National Security LLC, Newport News Nuclear BWXT Los Alamos, generous public contributions, and United Way of Northern New Mexico.
3HO Foundation of NM
American Red Cross
Big Brothers Big Sisters Mountain Region
Breath of My Heart Birthplace
Cancer Foundation NM
Coro de Camara
Dream Tree Project
El Rito Art Association
Embudo Valley Library and Community Center
Española Humane Society
Española Pathways Shelter
Española Valley Fiber Arts Center
Española YMCA Teen Center
Family Learning Center
Family Strengths Network
Food Depot
Habitat for Humanity of Espanola Valley & Los Alamos
Las Cumbres Community Services
Los Alamos Arts Council
Los Alamos Historical Society
Los Alamos Makers
Los Alamos Visiting Nurse Service
McCurdy Schools
Moving Arts Espanola
Northern Youth Project
Ponderosa Montessori School
Rio Arriba Adult Literacy Program
San Gabriel Historical Society
San Martin de Porres Soup Kitchen
Self Help
The Family YMCA
Truchas Library and Service Center