Los Alamos, N.M. – The Los Alamos Community Foundation (LACF), in collaboration with generous donors and community partners, announced $29,300 of Emergency Response grants to 20 regional nonprofits severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The nonprofits receiving funding in this initial round include:
Barrios Unidos, Big Brothers Big Sisters Mountain Region, Breath of My Heart Birthplace, Coro de Camara, Española YMCA Teen Center, Española Valley Fiber Arts Center, Family Learning Center, Habitat for Humanity of Española Valley & Los Alamos, INSIDE OUT, Las Cumbres Community Services, Los Alamos Makers, Los Alamos Visiting Nurse Service, Luciente, Moving Arts Española, Northern Youth Project, Self Help, Ponderosa Montessori School, Rio Arriba Adult Literacy Program, SuperHealth and The Family YMCA.
“We recognize that each day brings new hardships for our area nonprofits, many of which are serving our most vulnerable residents,” LACF Executive Director Rachel Kizielewicz said. “LACF and our funding partners are ready to do more in the coming weeks.”
“This is an exceptionally challenging time for our nonprofits, especially those that are suddenly facing increased demand for their services because they support basic needs addressing social determinants of health,” said Executive Director Cindy Padilla of the United Way of Northern New Mexico. “This Emergency Response Fund provides an option for donors who want to support our region’s greatest needs but aren’t sure where to direct their funding.
For questions, contact the Foundation at info@losalamoscf.org or 505.661.4420.
About the Los Alamos Community Foundation:
Established in 2015, the focus of the Los Alamos Community Foundation is to improve the quality of life in our community by inspiring, facilitating and supporting enduring philanthropy, and building the capacity and success of our local nonprofit organizations. For more information about the Los Alamos Community Foundation, visit www.losalamoscf.org.