February 16, 2017: Strategic Planning for the Time-Challenged – Felicia Orth, Attorney at Law
Powerpoint presentation
PEEC Dashboard View
PEEC Strategic Plan
The ability to look to the future with vision and use strategic planning to achieve desired goals is a skill that is useful for everyone. Los Alamos Community Foundation is pleased to announce that Felicia Orth will be sharing her strategic planning insights and tips at the next LACF nonprofit training session.
Strategic Planning for the Time-Challenged
Thursday, Feb 16th, 5:00 p.m.
Bldg. 2 Lecture Hall, UNM-LA
Have you avoided leading your board into strategic planning for fear that the process would be endless? Or worse, pointless? What’s so ‘strategic’ about strategic planning anyway? Felicia will speak about the importance of organizational strategy, provide sample strategic plans, and share tools to help you efficiently develop a plan for your own organization. This training session is appropriate for executive directors, board members, and volunteers alike.
“The future doesn’t just happen — it’s shaped by decisions.” — NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue
Felicia Orth is a semi-retired Administrative Law Judge who has served on a number of nonprofit boards over the last thirty years, providing primarily legal assistance, administrative and policy development, fundraising, and hospitality. During her time as PEEC’s board president, Felicia facilitated the development of PEEC’s strategic plan. She and her family have lived in Los Alamos for twenty years, and she has been proud and happy to see the recent transformations in the community brought about by nonprofits and public-private partnerships.
Nonprofit training sessions sponsored by Los Alamos Community Foundation are made possible with generous support from UNM-Los Alamos and the LANL Foundation.