Los Alamos Community Foundation Pledge Form

Pledge Form
“Community Builders” further LACF’s mission to improve the quality of life in our community by inspiring and facilitating enduring philanthropy and building the capacity and success of our nonprofit organizations. This pledge of support is an investment in the Foundation’s, and our community's, future sustainability.

Contact Information

Level/Duration of Commitment

Please select a pledge amount and duration below. Your commitment and giving level will be acknowledged when we recognize our donors, including in our annual impact report to the community.

Please direct my gift as follows:
Payment Method
Employer match eligibility

Join the LAFC Legacy Society

Please consider becoming a Legacy Society member by including LACF in your will or estate plan. Bequeathed assets can be contributed to an existing fund or to establish a new fund. Contact us for information on how to leave a lasting legacy of support for the local organizations and causes you care about.