May 3, 2019 – Getting Your Ducks in a Row to Apply for Grants

Getting Your Ducks in a Row to Apply for Grants

Friday, May 3, 2019
Pig and Fig Café (11 Sherwood Blvd, White Rock, NM)
Buffet lunch Included
Cost: $100
Register here:

The Los Alamos Community Foundation will provide a 2/3 subsidy for the first eight participants that register.  The event is limited to 25 participants. Included in the workshop:

– Organizational self-assessment of readiness for funding
– The importance of diverse “braided” funding streams and best practices
– Choosing grants which match your organization’s mission, capacity and scope
– The basics of a compelling grant proposal
– Grants as a component of an organizational strategic plan
– Workshop director will be available for one-on-one consultation from 2 to 3 PM

Questions? Contact Ellen at or 505-231-5382

Workshop Leader: Ellen Morris Bond, M.S., former Executive Director of Self Help, Inc. and graduate of UC-Davis Dept. of Community Development.  

Nonprofit training sessions sponsored by the Los Alamos Community Foundation are made possible with generous support from UNM-Los Alamos and the LANL Foundation.