(LACF News) – Judy Dudziak had a strong passion for music, which she pursued from childhood throughout the rest of her life. She played piano and violin in her youth. Then later, the recorder and French horn, the latter in the Los Alamos Symphony, the Municipal Band, and as a member of the orchestra for many theatrical plays. Judy encouraged all her children to play instruments and often supported the Los Alamos High School Band and Orchestra.
To honor Judy’s lifelong passion for music, her husband Don Dudziak has created the Community Endowment for Music Organizations at the Los Alamos Community Foundation. The initial gift of $10,000 includes a dollar-for-dollar match by Dudziak of up to $5,000.
“I was always aware of the financial needs of the orchestras and bands in which Judy played French Horn, so when I heard about the Community Foundation. I thought it would be an ideal vehicle for establishing an endowment to support groups such as those in which Judy played,” said Dudziak.
Annual distributions from the fund will provide support for organizations in Los Alamos County whose work expands knowledge and appreciation of genres such as classical orchestral and band music, light opera, marching band, and choral performances.
To match funds, please visit: https://alamos.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/list
About the Los Alamos Community Foundation: Established in 2015, the focus of the Los Alamos Community Foundation is to improve the quality of life in our community by inspiring, facilitating and supporting enduring philanthropy, and building the capacity and success of our local nonprofit organizations. The Los Alamos Community Foundation currently stewards eleven local endowed funds and has total assets of more than $800,000. For more information about the Los Alamos Community Foundation, visit www.losalamoscf.org.