(LACF News) – The orchestras from the Los Alamos High School and Middle School were treated recently to a virtual masterclass as well as a virtual performance by the San Francisco string quartet Del Sol. LAHS alumnus Charlton Lee (class of ‘83) founded the quartet, and their recent album, Kooch-e Khaman, currently sits fifth on the Billboard Classical Charts.
“Our orchestras were inspired by live performances and masterclasses with Del Sol. This was made possible due to funding from the Paul A. and Susan E. Bombardt K-12 Music Education Endowment for Los Alamos Public Schools,” said Michelle Rosette, LAHS Orchestra Instructor. “This energy infusion was so needed and welcomed,” she added.
According to Rosette, the quartet spent two class periods at LAMS and two at LAHS in a masterclass-type setting. Members of Del Sol talked about their current projects, activism, and how the group was started.
“Our students then performed for them individually, mostly seniors at LAHS, and the Del Sol members gave gentle but excellent critique,” said Rosette. “Both classes were treated to a performance presented virtually from San Francisco where Del Sol is based.”
“Susan and I are just delighted that our Music Education Endowment Fund supported this project, and what a wonderful bonus that a member of Del Sol is a former resident,” said Paul Bombardt. “We are looking forward to funding more positive experiences for our students.”
The Paul A. and Susan E. Bombardt K-12 Music Education Endowment for Los Alamos Public Schools was established at the Los Alamos Community Foundation in 2020. The fund’s purpose is to support students in music education in Los Alamos by providing funding for performing artists to give demonstrations, classes, or workshops that will expose, engage and excite students (K–12). The fund also supports teachers in their efforts to attract and retain music students throughout their education and provide student access to musical instrument (rental) where needed. Los Alamos Public Schools Foundation administers the funds from the endowment to benefit the school district.
Public contributions to the fund are welcome, and can be made at https://alamos.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/list.
About the Los Alamos Community Foundation: Established in 2015, the focus of the Los Alamos Community Foundation is to improve the quality of life in our community by inspiring, facilitating and supporting enduring philanthropy, and building the capacity and success of our local nonprofit organizations. The Los Alamos Community Foundation currently stewards eleven local endowed funds and has total assets of more than $800,000. For more information about the Los Alamos Community Foundation, visit www.losalamoscf.org.